Entries by IHT

Wings, Waves, & Woods Festival REGISTRATION OPEN!

REGISTRATION INFO Register online HERE or in person, Friday, May 15, (4:30-6:30 PM) at Island Heritage Trust (IHT) and take a look at the Festival Art Exhibit in the barn, 420 Sunset Rd., Deer Isle. Questions? Contact IHT at 207-348-2455 or jmccarty@islandheritagetrust.org Registration is $35 and includes entry to all activities, except where fees are […]

March Moth Madness!

Join us on Tuesdays from 9:30 am-noon at Scott’s Landing Preserve Starting on Tuesday, March 3rd and continuing through mid-April, Island Heritage Trust will host weekly Tuesday morning brown tail moth web-clipping workdays at our preserves, starting with Scott’s Landing.  These workdays are a great opportunity to learn how to identify and remove browntail moth […]

Community Meeting on Browntail Moths

Managing a Health Risk on Deer Isle   Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 4:00 – 5:30 pm (early enough so you won’t miss dinner with your sweetie) Deer Isle Town Office: 70 Church St, Deer Isle Show your love for Deer Isle! Join us for a community meeting on the browntail moth and learn how you […]

Adopt a Puffin Adopter! Wings, Waves, & Woods

  This program is postponed until further notice! A heartfelt thank you to those who donated to this program. We will be working with the Isle au Haut school to hold this program once it is safe to gather together again and share the puffin trip experience with the students.     Original Press Release […]

New Year Open House and First Food Drive

Thursday, January 9th, 2:00 – 4:00 pm Heritage House, 420 Sunset Rd, Deer Isle <<<Click For More Details   It has been brought to our attention that there is a high demand for low sodium, low glycemic food for diabetics in our community! Donation List: -Stevia -Truvia -Quaker Instant Oatmeal – plain -Rolled Oats -Steel-cut […]

Deer Isle Christmas Bird Count

Have you noticed fewer birds at your feeder? Are numbers of common eiders really down or have bald eagles increased?  You are invited to participate in the Deer Isle Christmas Bird Count, which takes place on Saturday, Dec. 28. The count is part of the 120th Christmas Bird Count, sponsored by the National Audubon Society. […]

Giving Tuesday!

TODAY IS THE DAY! IT’S GIVING TUESDAY! Our goal today is to reach 21 (or more!) individual donations to raise money for a stewardship boat! We have preserves and conservation easements on 21 islands that need to be monitored annually (or even more often). We are asking YOU to help us raise money to ensure […]


This past weekend was the Island-wide Roadside Cleanup! What a success!!! Thank you so much to everyone who participated in our Autumn Roadside Cleanup. We look forward to seeing our active community members in the spring for our Earth Day Roadside Cleanup! If you are interested in volunteering through the winter please email Jacob at […]

Roadside Cleanup!

TOMORROW MARKS THE START OF OUR ISLAND ROADSIDE CLEANUP! Please check out the Facebook event page for details. Locations for orange bag pick-up are listed in the event. BE SAFE OUT THERE! We suggest wearing orange or neon colors to increase visibility. Contact us with any questions via Facebook, Instagram, or give us a call: […]

The School Nature Trail is Complete!

We are ecstatic to announce that the School Nature Trail is complete. Thank You so much to our volunteers who made this project possible! Our Environmental Educator, Martha Bell, will be leading an official celebratory student parade through the trail next week. For further information please contact: iht@islandheritagetrust.org