We will continue to update this page as necessary with new information. Check our events calendar HERE.

Heritage House is closed to the public, and the staff is working from home until further notice. We will check phone messages every day, but emailing with any questions or concerns is the best option. Thank you for understanding.

  • Get outside for physical and mental wellbeing, but do it safely
  • While getting outside, please follow the CDC guidelines for health and safety. PLEASE, DO NOT go for a walk if you are exhibiting symptoms. Clear recommendations can be found here.
  • When you visit a preserve, always have a plan B and C if you arrive at a full parking area. View preserve and access information here.
  • You will notice the below sign posted at our trailheads, for everyone’s safety please do not use the sign in box and there are no brochures available at this time. Regional trail guides are available for free on our office door at 420 Sunset Rd. Deer Isle.
  • We request that dog owners to keep pets leashed in order to better prevent close contact interactions.

Library Talk: Intertidal Zones

Join Island Heritage Trust’s Environmental Educator, Martha Bell, to explore

Deer Isle/Stonington’s intertidal zones.

This pre-recorded educational video is scheduled to premiere on our youtube page, Tuesday, May 12th at 4:30pm.


Part 1: Reach Beach

Part 2: Salt Marsh

Questions? Email:

Evergreen Medicine

Come for a virtual medicinal evergreen walk with local herbalist, Brighid Doherty at Pine Hill Preserve. The walk will focus on the health benefits of a variety of evergreen trees including Pine, Cedar, Juniper, and Spruce. We will also look for spring medicinal weeds that may be sprouting, along the way. All ages are welcome!


For More Info:

Monthly Nature and Bird Walk – May

We hope you enjoy this early May nature and bird walk with our Executive Director, Paul Miller. We will be pre-recording and sharing our monthly nature and bird walks with you on facebook, youtube, and our IHT website until we can walk together again. ENJOY!




Ruffed Grouse:

Yellow-rumped Warbler: 

Pileated Woodpecker: 

Black-capped Chickadee: 

White-throated Sparrow: 

Ring-billed Gull: 

Herring Gull:


Red-breasted Merganser: 

Common Loon: 

Common Merganser: 


PLANTS ‘Go Botany’: 

American trout-lily: 


Common strawberry: 

American dog violet: 


Wooly blue violet: 


Today is the day! #GivingTuesdayNow is a day of global unity and giving. Our goal is to reach, or surpass, 50 individual donations – of any size!

We hope you’ll consider participating, not only by supporting us – but others as well; if you canYour support helps to ensure open space, public access to the outdoors, wildlife habitat, and educational programming for all. During these difficult and unprecedented times, we are reminded how important wild, natural places are to our health and well-being. What are some of your stories of what green spaces and wild landscapes mean to you? We’d love to hear from you!

Below is a special video from the staff. We feel grateful and proud to be able to continue our work, safely, to provide this critical resource for out community. It is thanks to your support that we are able to do so.

Thank you.

We hope you, and your loved ones, are safe and well.


Friends From the Field

Friends From the Field Webinar Series

We are excited to announce a NEW Webinar Series co-hosted by BHHT and Island Heritage Trust, featuring local naturalists, professionals from environmentally focused organizations, and outdoor learning experts to share their knowledge, virtually, during a time when we can’t all be out in the field together.

The webinars will take place LIVE every Thursday from 4:00 – 5:00 pm! We will record the webinar so that if you wish to view it but can’t participate at that time, the presentation will be available to you on our websites and social media.

Please email with any questions!


Schedule and Registration

April 30th: The Firefly and Mantis World Tour with Carol Leonards, Maine Master Naturalist – Carol is a graduate of the 2019/20 class of the Maine Master Naturalist Program in Ellsworth. She committed to a sits-spot for a full year observing all that went on in this circumscribed area through all four seasons. She chose to sit on a rock—a fabulous large glacial erratic in the middle of a beaver flowage. Join us to hear her story of this experience and to see her amazing nature journal. Registration 


May 7th: Seeing Smelt: Monitoring Sea-run Fish in Downeast Maine with Sarah Madronal, Downeast Salmon Federation – Sarah Madronal works for Downeast Salmon Federation and has been working with others in her field over the past year to create a state-wide citizen science Smelt Spawning Survey on GMRI’s Ecosystem Investigation NetworkJoin us for a webinar presentation to learn more about this project and how you can help! Registration


May 14th: Brooks to Bays and Back: Anadromous Fish around the Peninsula with Chris DeVore, Craig Brook Fish Hatchery, Ciona Ulbrich from Maine Coast Heritage Trust, and Alex Drenga, FWS Term Biologist and outdoor educator- Chris Devore from Craig Brook National Fish Hatchery and colleagues will share educational information about anadromous fish including brookies, eels/elvers, alewife, and Atlantic salmon. The presentation will be geared to fish on the Blue Hill Peninsula and will provide video clips from some of BHHT’s trails and streams. Registration.


May 21st: Family Outdoor Learning with Hazel Stark, Maine Outdoor School – Hazel Stark from Maine Outdoor School will share outdoor learning ideas for families with kids in 5th grade and up. Topics will include: seasonally-relevant things to look for in nature, journaling prompts to incorporate language arts and recording of scientific data, and ideas for extending backyard nature observations into other subjects, including math and art. Registration.




Health & Safety guidelines during COVID-19

As the situation surrounding the novel coronavirus pandemic is evolving rapidly, we will continue to update this page as necessary with new information. Check our events calendar HERE.

Heritage House is closed to the public, and the staff is working from home until further notice. We will check phone messages every day, but emailing with any questions or concerns is the best option. Thank you for understanding.

  • Beginning April 2nd, 2020, Governor Janet Mill’s “Stay healthy at home” order takes effect. Luckily for us, getting outside for a walk or a hike has been deemed an “essential” activity! Here is an article with more information.
  • While getting outside, please follow the CDC guidelines for health and safety. PLEASE, DO NOT go for a walk if you are exhibiting symptoms. Clear recommendations can be found here.
  • When you visit a preserve, always have a plan B and C if you arrive at a full parking area. View preserve and access information here.
  • You will notice the sign below posted at our trail-heads. For everyone’s safety please do not use the sign in box. There are no brochures available at this time. Regional trail guides are available for free on our office door at 420 Sunset Rd. Deer Isle.
  • We request that dog owners keep pets leashed in order to better prevent close contact interactions.

Heritage House Closed to the General Public.

In light of the recently declared global pandemic and National Emergency, Island Heritage Trust has made the decision to close Heritage House to the general public.

The risk will continue to be assessed two weeks in advance for upcoming events. Updates will be posted on our website and facebook page.

This plan will stay in effect until the threat is deemed to have passed by the CDC.


Photo Source: file://iht-pc/Users/Public/Documents/IHT/Photos/Bridge/Evening%20bridge,%20Deer%20Isle-Sedgwick%20_%20The%20Deer%20Isle-Sedgwick%20%E2%80%A6%20_%20Flickr.html

Community Meeting on Browntail Moths

Managing a Health Risk on Deer Isle


Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 4:00 – 5:30 pm

(early enough so you won’t miss dinner with your sweetie)

Deer Isle Town Office: 70 Church St, Deer Isle

Show your love for Deer Isle! Join us for a community meeting on the browntail moth and learn how you can help protect our island (and yourself) from this invasive forest pest. State Entomologist Thomas Schmeelk will present on the browntail moth’s biology, human health impacts, and what community members can do to mitigate human health risks on their own property.


Browntail moths are an invasive forest pest that is currently impacting a large portion of our state. Contact with the caterpillar’s hairs can cause a severe rash and respiratory problems. Defoliation by browntail moth caterpillars also poses a threat to the health of the hardwood trees and shrubs they feed on. Learn more about browntail moths in Maine at:


Thomas Schmeelk is a Forest Entomologist with the Maine Forest Service. He has presented widely on the browntail moth in communities throughout Maine.


Valentine’s Day treats will be provided and the meeting will be over in time for you to keep any special Valentine’s Day evening plans you may have!


For more information, contact Paul Miller, Executive Director at Island Heritage Trust at or Jim Fisher, Deer Isle Town Manager at




This past weekend was the Island-wide Roadside Cleanup! What a success!!! Thank you so much to everyone who participated in our Autumn Roadside Cleanup. We look forward to seeing our active community members in the spring for our Earth Day Roadside Cleanup! If you are interested in volunteering through the winter please email Jacob at