IHT Fall Hiking Club

Led by Martha Bell, Katy Rinehart, and Joni Banks.

Join our dedicated volunteers & Environmental Educator, Martha Bell, on our preserves all through the Fall.

Wednesdays at 9:00 am

Pumpkin Carving and Jack-o-Lantern Walk

Outreach Manager – Position Description

IHT’s Outreach Manager is a full-time, year-round, salaried position. Benefits include paid holidays, vacation time, personal days as well as a health stipend. Compensation is roughly $35-37K annually, to start, depending on experience.



The Outreach Manager’s primary focus is the planning and implementation of recruitment, engagement, and communications activities.  Additionally, the Outreach Manager will perform general office clerical work, provide support for staff, and oversee inventory, sales, and staffing of the Nature Shop. The Outreach manager works closely with all staff and volunteers and reports to the Executive Director.



The Outreach Manager should convey an enthusiastic interest in land conservation and in the Deer Isle-Stonington community through strong communication, organizational, interpersonal, problem solving, and computer skills (Microsoft Office, Adobe products, Google Drive, MailChimp, Facebook, Instagram, Little Green Light CRM [Constituent Relationship Management], etc.)



  • Coordinate IHT’s Volunteer Program including recruitment, scheduling, training, recognition;
  • Produce regular outreach communications (Facebook, Instagram, MailChimp e-blasts, etc.) and assist with special mailings;
  • Work closely with IHT’s Program Committee to ensure that programs support the mission and core values of IHT and provide opportunities for attracting new stakeholders; coordinate scheduling to produce year-round programming;
  • Collaborate with Development Associate on database management and assist with moves management activities for volunteers and members;
  • Oversee and manage IHT’s Nature Shop, including engaging customers, scheduling and training volunteer staff, and maintaining inventory;
  • Develop and strengthen community engagement and collaboration with neighboring land trusts to promote conservation and implement programing;
  • Answer and screen telephone calls and greet guests in a professional and courteous manner and manage IHT general email and inquiries. Provide administrative support for the ED and other staff members as required and manage general office needs (supplies, filing, photocopying, and scanning) and upkeep of organizational records and help to ensure positive work culture for staff and volunteers, (including committee members);
  • Assist in other related aspects of IHT’s operations as needed.

Submit a cover letter, resume, and three references with contact information in one document (PDF) for immediate consideration.

Applications can be submitted by email, or by mail to contact information below. The position will remain open until a suitable candidate is found. For questions, or more information contact:

Julia Zell, Executive Director

Island Heritage Trust
PO Box 42, Deer Isle, ME 04627
jzell@islandheritagetrust.org       207.348.2455

A Guide for Maine Land Owners

The updated version of “Conservation Options” A Guide for Maine Land Owners, published by Maine Coast Heritage Trust here.

“The earth is common ground
and … gradually the idea
is taking form that the land
must be held in safekeeping,
that one generation is
to some extent responsible
to the next …”
– E.B. WHITE, 1942

Maine Coastal Cleanup

September 23rd

For Time & Location Email Martha Bell, IHT’s Environmental Educator



PERFORMANCES || FRI, SAT, SUN [08/27-08/29] 5:30PM ET


Through a special collaboration between the Reach Performing Arts Center, Island Heritage Trust, and ANNA + MARVIN, DO NOT MOVE STONES will be performed outdoors at the historic Settlement Quarry on Deer Isle. Enjoy this immersive, family-friendly production while nestled amongst towering spruces atop a granite outcropping overlooking Webb Cove, Isle au Haut, and the Camden Hills. Accessible via a quarter-mile trail, the Settlement Quarry is the perfect venue to share a story of such epic scale.


DO NOT MOVE STONES strikes an important balance between uproarious comedy and moving poignancy as it grapples with two questions: what are the social contracts into which we are born and how do we respond to those unspoken rules? There will be music, movement, and a heck of a lot of laughs.


Can’t make it to Maine this summer? Worry not! A digital on-demand version of the live performance will be released in September 2021. More details coming soon.


Community Conservation News

Fish Passage Restoration Project in Sedgwick Improves Roadway Safety

July construction on Route 15 also opens spawning habitat to migrating fish

Snows Brook – Press Release Map – MCHT

SEDGWICK, ME: A culvert scheduled for replacement along Snows Cove Road in Sedgwick is an exciting step forward for the health of the Bagaduce River and beyond, partners in the project announced today. The work will replace an aging culvert under Route 15, improving the longevity of this part of the highway for vehicles and helping the stream to function naturally.

While this section of Route 15, not far from the Sedgwick School, will be closed for up to three weeks during construction, starting on or about July 18, these much-needed repairs and improvements to the road-stream crossing will provide long-term safety for vehicle traffic. Cars will be re-routed over the Bagaduce Falls and around via the Coastal Road in Brooksville, while larger vehicles should use Route 172 through Sedgwick.

A few years ago, community members from Sedgwick, Brooksville, and Penobscot formed a Three Town Committee charged with, among other things, identifying and prioritizing streams and ponds that have barriers to fish species that migrate between the ocean and fresh water to spawn. To aid in the effort, the committee called on multiple agencies and non-profits, including the Maine Center for Coastal Fisheries MCCF), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), The Nature Conservancy (TNC) of Maine, and Maine Coast Heritage Trust (MCHT), to help restore free-flowing streams connected to the Bagaduce River.

The Snow Brook project in Sedgwick was one of the barriers identified by the Committee—and also the most expensive to repair. With construction costs alone reaching nearly $800,000, this was a daunting challenge for the town and its partners. Fortunately, a number of successful grant awards provided enough funding to cover the cost of the entire project, at no cost to the town.

“Funding a project of this size and scope would be a huge lift for a small municipality like Sedgwick” said Ben Astbury, Chairman for the Sedgwick board of selectmen. “We were extremely fortunate to have built the partnerships necessary to complete this project with the use of grant funding. This project will benefit the ecology of the watershed, added safety for motorists and recreational opportunities for generations to come, without increasing the local tax burden. We are very excited to see this project move ahead and we look forward to its completion in August” said Astbury.

The crossing repair qualified as a Municipal Partnership Initiative Project through a program administered by the Maine Department of Transportation (MDOT), a critical funding source and key to making it possible.

“This partnership allows us to do work that we otherwise wouldn’t get done.” Notes John Devin, MDOT Region Engineer.

“This is an example of a project that can bring a lot of people together, even if they don’t share all of the same goals. Whether you care about fish or about vehicles, or both, you need to work together to get the project done,” notes Ciona Ulbrich, Senior Project Manager at MCHT. “This project needed so many to make it possible: the landowners around the crossing, the Town government, many state and federal agencies involved in highway and stream projects, multiple funders, and non-governmental organizations who have a variety of roles. It couldn’t have come this far without each and every one doing their part to help it come together.”

The existing metal pipe culvert will be replaced with a much larger-capacity concrete crossing. This will help accommodate increased water flows during potential flooding events and allow fish and other wildlife to move freely up and downstream. For a few decades now, this culvert has prevented fish from gaining access to over five miles of important stream habitat and has blocked alewives from reaching 155-acre Frost Pond, where they historically spawned each spring before returning to the ocean.

“This is such an exciting opportunity to help fish populations rebound in the Bagaduce River and the Gulf of Maine, all while increasing the flood security of Maine’s road systems,” says Ben Matthews, Watershed Restoration Scientist at TNC in Maine. “This project is a template for how we can work across the state to meet climate resilience, conservation and public safety goals.”

“The connection of freshwater ponds, streams and rivers to the marine ecosystem is a critical part of what makes the diversity of animals and plants thrive, so this restoration project can contribute to the improved conditions of our near shore coastal waters and the fish that live there.” Notes Paul Anderson, Executive Director of Maine Center for Coastal Fisheries.

Maine Earth of Hampden will be performing the construction work, following specifications drawn up by a team of engineers led by Robert Blunt of VHB. In addition to that provided  through MDOT, funding included a grant from the National Coastal Resilience Fund, a public-private partnership administered through the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, as well as an award from the 2016 Chevron Marine Oil Terminal Facility Natural Resource Damage Settlement, whose trustees include the Maine Department of Environmental Protection; Maine Department of Marine Resources; Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry; Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife; U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, and the NOAA. Additional funding has been provided by NOAA, TNC, MCHT, and a number of generous private donors with ties to the area.

Selectboard Chairman Ben Astbury noted the importance of recognizing the sacrifice by all necessary to complete the project safely, responsibly and within the construction window available for the project by adding: “We would like to thank everyone for their patience and understanding while we pursue the completion of this very important project”.


Ben Astbury, Sedgwick Select Board, 207-359-2275

Ciona Ulbrich, Maine Coast Heritage Trust culbrich@mcht.org 207-801-4058

Chelsea Kondratowicz, Maine Center for Coastal Fisheries, ckondratowicz@coastalfisheries.org (207) 367-2708

Timothy Paul, The Nature Conservancy; timothy.paul@tnc.org ; 207-607-4809



Notice of 2021 Annual Meeting of Members

The Annual Meeting of the Members of Island Heritage Trust, Inc. will be held on

July 27, 2021 at 2:00 PM

at 627 North Deer Isle Road, Deer Isle, ME 04627

St. Brendan the Navigator Episcopal Church, 627 North Deer Isle Road, Deer Isle, ME 04627.


The Agenda for the Meeting is as follows:

  1. To reelect as Trustees for three-year terms Mickie Flores and Karen Hill, whose first three-year terms expire at the Annual Meeting.


  1. To reelect as Trustees for three-year terms Abby Barrows, Anna Goff, David Bayley, Sue Chamberlain, Jeff Hartnett and DeeDee Hartnett, who were appointed to the Board on an interim basis since the last Annual Meeting.


  1. To discuss the Annual Treasurer’s Report of the financial position of the organization.


  1. To discuss the Chair’s Report of developments since the last Annual Meeting.


  1. To celebrate the contributions of retiring Board Members Woody Osborne and Steve Rowan.


  1. To conduct such other business as may properly be brought before the Meeting.






Bill Wiegmann, Chair



Island Heritage Trust is a member-supported, community-based non-profit dedicated to contributing to the well-being of the Island community by conserving its distinctive landscapes and natural resources, maintaining public access to valued trails, shoreline, and islands, and by providing educational programming for all ages.

Stakeholder Notification of Public Comment Period

Stakeholder Notification/Public Notice

The land trust accreditation program recognizes land conservation organizations that meet national quality standards for protecting important natural places and working lands forever. Island Heritage Trust is pleased to announce it is applying for accreditation. A public comment period is now open.

The Land Trust Accreditation Commission, an independent program of the Land Trust Alliance, conducts an extensive review of each applicant’s policies and programs. The Accreditation process has provided valuable impetus to IHT to examine its practices and procedures to ensure that it is living up to the highest national standards established by the Land Trust Alliance, and to help make sure we are able to serve the community effectively through our mission. The revised and updated policies we have adopted as a result will serve the organization well into the foreseeable future.

The Commission invites public input and accepts signed, written comments on pending applications. Comments must relate to how Island Heritage Trust complies with national quality standards. These standards address the ethical and technical operation of a land trust. For the full list of standards see http://www.landtrustaccreditation.org/help-and-resources/indicator-practices.

To learn more about the accreditation program and to submit a comment, visit www.landtrustaccreditation.org, or email your comment to info@landtrustaccreditation.org. Comments may also be faxed or mailed to the Land Trust Accreditation Commission, Attn: Public Comments: (fax) 518-587-3183; (mail) 36 Phila Street, Suite 2, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866.

Comments on Island Heritage Trust’s application will be most useful by July 9th.

With gratitude,



Julia Zell, Executive Director


Island Heritage Trust is a member-supported, community-based non-profit dedicated to contributing to the well-being of the Island community by conserving its distinctive landscapes and natural resources, maintaining public access to valued trails, shoreline, and islands, and by providing educational programming for all ages.

Spring Garden Planning Follow-up Zoom Meeting



Tuesday, May 46:00 – 7:00pm

Follow up with Anneli from the Deer Isle Hostel about spring garden planning. This is a follow-up Zoom meeting discussion, part of IHT’s Garden & Farm Series
(watch the video here) 

If you have any questions email: Jmccarty@islandheritagetrust.org

IHT is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Spring Garden Planning Follow-up
Time: May 4, 2021 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

IHT is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Spring Garden Planning Follow-up
Time: May 4, 2021 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 897 7205 1534
Passcode: 009878