We are hiring! – Full Job Description

Executive Director

Island Heritage Trust (IHT) seeks a full-time Executive Director to lead a growing non-profit organization dedicated to conserving the natural and cultural heritage of Deer Isle and surrounding islands.

The ideal candidate should have strong leadership and strategic planning skills, a passion for land conservation, and the ability to work effectively with the Board of Trustees, staff and volunteers and to serve as the public face of IHT with landowners, donors, local citizens and the broader land trust community.

Founded in 1987, Island Heritage Trust’s mission is to contribute to the well-being of the Island community by conserving its distinctive landscapes and natural resources, by maintaining public access to valued trails, shoreline and islands and by providing educational programming for all ages.  IHT owns 25 properties (totaling over 600 acres), holds conservation easements on 37 properties (covering more than 850 acres), and co-manages with The Nature Conservancy and the State of Maine three conservation properties totaling nearly 300 acres.

The Executive Director is responsible for the day-to-day management of IHT under the supervision of the Board of Trustees and is an ex officio member of the Board.  The organization is currently staffed by a Development Director, a Land Steward, an Environmental Educator, a Volunteer Coordinator and Office Manager, a Bookkeeper and a Seasonal Stewardship Assistant. Major organizational functions are overseen by volunteer committees, including a Stewardship Committee, Land Committee, Finance Committee, Development Committee and Program Committee.  Dozens of other volunteers help maintain trails, run our Nature Shop, help out in the office and participate in our other programs.  IHT is a membership nonprofit with more than 700 Members.

The Executive Director’s responsibilities encompass the following:


Leadership and Strategy

  • Work with the Board of Trustees to develop and implement strategies to carry out IHT’s mission
  • Lead program development and execution
  • Guide satisfaction of LTA accreditation requirements and compliance with LTA standards
  • Help devise strategies to improve IHT’s financial position
  • Recruit, train, supervise, evaluate and inspire staff
  • Promote active participation by volunteers in IHT’s programs and activities
  • Expand IHT’s community outreach
  • Represent IHT in its work with the public, donors and the land trust community


Land Conservation

  • Oversee the implementation of IHT’s land conservation programs
  • Evaluate and negotiate conservation easements and fee property acquisitions
  • Supervise the work of the Land Steward and oversee stewardship of conservation properties
  • Interact with property owners
  • Recommend responses to easement amendments and violations
  • Remain up-to-date on issues and trends in the land trust community


Community Relations

  • Develop and oversee public relations activities and relations with landowners, members, community leaders and other organizations
  • Disseminate information to the public on land conservation and on IHT, its programs and its projects
  • Oversee the work of the Environmental Educator in developing and implementing educational programs for the schools and public
  • Oversee the maintenance and updating of the IHT website, its Facebook page and its other social media feeds



  • Oversee the development and implementation of land program, operating and capital campaign fundraising activities
  • Supervise the work of the Development Director
  • Identify and pursue grants and other funding sources
  • Promote an active membership recruitment program


Budgeting and Accounting

  • Work with the Treasurer, the Finance Committee and other committees to prepare the annual budget
  • Manage expenditures in compliance with the annual budget
  • Ensure that restricted funds are expended solely in accordance with the donor’s instructions
  • Work with IHT’s accountant to prepare its Form 990 and annual financial statements
  • Oversee the work of the Bookkeeper in all of the Bookkeeper’s functions, including ensuring that IHT bills are paid in a timely fashion and that appropriate filings are made with respect to donations
  • Ensure that all insurance policies, documentation relating to IHT’s charitable status, IHT’s annual reports, tax filings and PILOT contributions are up-to-date and made in a timely fashion



  • Communicate regularly with the Board of Trustees and committees to maintain a consistent flow of information both inside and outside the organization
  • Prepare and circulate to Trustees documentation for each Board meeting
  • Attend Board meetings and Committee meetings as required
  • Maintain Board records and files of all Board minutes, agendas, and related documentation
  • Help prepare and organize materials and training for new and existing Board members
  • Supervise the work of the Volunteer Coordinator and Office Manager and other staff
  • Plan for, and allocate resources to meet, organizational and transactional deadlines
  • Keep current with relevant employment and tax laws and practices
  • Review and recommend to the Board appropriate changes to organizational structure and personnel policies
  • Manage IHT facilities
  • Maintain and secure membership lists, donation records and other IHT records in an orderly and accessible manner


Minimum Qualifications

Education: Undergraduate degree or equivalent
Experience: At least three years of relevant experience. Land conservation, supervisory, budgeting, nonprofit restricted funds management, fundraising and management experience preferred.
Knowledge, Skills, Attributes: Budgeting, facility with basic accounting matters, time management, delegation, excellent written and oral communication skills, relationship building, teamwork, excellent organizational skills, safety consciousness, high energy level, enthusiasm, action oriented personality, willingness to work a flexible schedule including occasional evenings and weekends and familiarity with, and a commitment to, the Deer Isle area.


To apply for this position: Send cover letter and résumé to Chair, chair@islandheritagetrust.org or to Island Heritage Trust, P.O. Box 42, Deer Isle, ME 04627. Deadline for application: September 1, 2020.


Lady Slippers Webinar: Pollination Ecology and Conservation

June 25th at 4:00 pm

Join botanist and former professor, Peter Curtis, for an exploration of the fascinating lives of these iconic native wildflowers, from dust seeds and fungal symbionts to their habit of deceiving bumblebees. We will include a tutorial on hand pollination as a way to increase Lady’s-Slipper fruit set and seed production.

Click here for REGISTRATION!

Friends From The Field Webinars

Upwest & Downeast: Meandering the Maine Coast by Sea Kayak

Co-hosted Webinar Series with Blue Hill Heritage Trust

In the summer of 2017, Michael & Rebecca Daugherty took the summer off from their jobs as sea kayak guides to live out of their kayaks along the coast of Maine for nearly two months, starting from Deer Isle and twice paddling the stretch of coast between Portland and Canada. Their experience is documented in a new book, a travel narrative written by Michael, and illustrated with relief prints by Rebecca. They will share excerpts and images from the book and Rebecca will talk about her process of painting and drawing on islands and turning those ideas into prints. For the Q&A they’re happy to answer everything you ever wanted to know about kayaking but were afraid to ask.
This is the 15th in our webinar series co-hosted by BHHT and Island Heritage Trust, featuring local naturalists, professionals from environmentally focused organizations, and outdoor learning experts to share their knowledge, virtually, during a time when we can’t all be out in the field together.
The webinars take place LIVE every Thursday from 4-5 pm! We will record the webinar so that if you wish to view it but can’t participate at that time, the presentation will be available to you on our websites and social media.
Click the link below to REGISTER for this webinar:

Browntail Moth Update!

We wanted to let you know that we’ve decided to cancel the browntail moth workdays scheduled for this Tuesday (3/17) and next Tuesday (3/24) due to the COVID-19 situation. We’ll be continuing to monitor the situation and will be in touch about future workdays.
In the meantime, there’s a lot of important browntail work that we can all do individually and still maintain the necessary social distancing. Now is a great time to look around your home and along your road to see if you have webs that need clipping. You can also help to spread the word to friends, family, and neighbors. The attached flyer is designed to raise awareness in the community and let people know that our window to act is closing quickly. We would greatly appreciate your help in sharing it and posting it anywhere you think people will see it. Maybe the creative types among you can even come up with even better ways to raise awareness and encourage action in the next 2-3 weeks?!
Thank you all for your dedication and service. I’m looking forward to the time when we can reunite and clip together.
In the meantime, please be safe, take good care, and keep on clipping (at least a pole pruner length from other humans)!
Tenley Wurglitz
Land Steward

Wings, Waves, & Woods Festival REGISTRATION OPEN!


Register online HERE or in person, Friday, May 15, (4:30-6:30 PM) at Island Heritage Trust (IHT) and take a look at the Festival Art Exhibit in the barn, 420 Sunset Rd., Deer Isle.

Questions? Contact IHT at 207-348-2455 or jmccarty@islandheritagetrust.org
Registration is $35 and includes entry to all activities, except where fees are noted. Limited seating available for ticketed dinner on Saturday evening. Registration packets include: bird list, nature preserve info, maps, Island Guide, local coupons, the coveted WWW cap or reusable tote bag, and helps support next year’s event. For boat trips allow plenty of time for parking and boarding, and dress warmly! For bad weather notices and program info/updates call IHT at 207-348-2455 or check the Wings, Waves & Woods Facebook page.

Want to come to just one or two activities? No problem–just show up! Suggested donation of $5 per event.

Full schedule and description HERE.

March Moth Madness!

Join us on Tuesdays from 9:30 am-noon at

Scott’s Landing Preserve

Starting on Tuesday, March 3rd and continuing through mid-April, Island Heritage Trust will host weekly Tuesday morning brown tail moth web-clipping workdays at our preserves, starting with Scott’s Landing.  These workdays are a great opportunity to learn how to identify and remove browntail moth webs.  Our efforts will help combat the public health threat posed by this invasive pest!

Please bring gloves, hand pruners, and pole pruners if you have them (We’ll have extras for those who don’t). Additionally, please bring water and wear old clothes that you don’t mind wading through the shrubbery in.

Workdays are weather dependent and after several weeks, we will assess our progress and may move to a different preserve. Please call (348-2455) or email Land Steward, Tenley Wurglitz at twurglitz@islandheritagetrust.org with questions and to confirm the location.

Adopt a Puffin Adopter! Wings, Waves, & Woods


This program is postponed until further notice! A heartfelt thank you to those who donated to this program. We will be working with the Isle au Haut school to hold this program once it is safe to gather together again and share the puffin trip experience with the students.



Original Press Release Below:


“Nearly 50 years ago a young ornithology instructor named Stephen Kress set out to right an environmental wrong—the near-extinction of Atlantic Puffins from Maine’s off-shore islands—by painstakingly translocating and rearing nearly 1,000 baby puffins.  Today Audubon’s Project Puffin (puffinproject.audubon.org) based in Rockland, Maine, has broadened to include other seabirds and countless advocacy and education efforts.


Also, facing extinction on Maine’s islands is the one-room island schoolhouse.  Not on Isle au Haut!  Nearly 6 miles off Stonington this island’s half dozen K-6 grade students are thriving, and very concerned about the effects of climate change on seabirds, puffins in particular.  This fall they raised $600 (!) by making crafts to sell before Christmas, so that they could each “adopt” a puffin and help do their part to support the work of Project Puffin.


At Deer Isle’s annual birding festival, the boat trip to Seal Island National Wildlife Refuge (prime location for nesting pelagics, including puffins) is the most popular event of the weekend.  Guided by Bob Duchesne, the 5-hour trip guarantees a good look at lots of puffins and the probability of seeing half a dozen other seabirds that are not typically visible from the mainland. This year, we are inviting these kids to join us!  What fun to share in the excitement of birding and learn about these amazing creatures together.


We are looking for donations to help purchase boat tickets for four bright, enthusiastic Isle au Haut students (Grade 3-6), their parents and a teacher.  They are thrilled for the chance to take a trip out to the island where “their” puffins may be breeding and nesting.  Please adopt a puffin adopter, and foster a new generation of birding conservationists, by making a donation towards their trip to Seal Island! Any amount we raise beyond the funding needed for this event will go towards future educational opportunities for students. Please reach out with any questions!”


Thank you again, to all those who funded this program, and will make this wonderful opportunity possible!

New Year Open House and First Food Drive

Thursday, January 9th, 2:00 – 4:00 pm

Heritage House, 420 Sunset Rd, Deer Isle

<<<Click For More Details


It has been brought to our attention that there is a high demand for low sodium, low glycemic food for diabetics in our community! Donation List:


-Quaker Instant Oatmeal – plain
-Rolled Oats
-Steel-cut oats
-Special K
-Naytura Fruit and Nut Muesli
-Kellogg All-Bran
-Sugar-free jam – Smuckers
-Unsweetened juice- Apple, Orange, Tomato,
-Fresh or frozen fruit-peaches, berries

-Egg Fettuccini noodles
-Buckwheat noodles
-Whole wheat pasta
-Whole grain/Multigrain bread
-Whole grain tortilla
-Beans-low sodium canned- ie: Navy, Kidney, Lentil, Pinto
-Baked Beans
-Low sodium/low glycemic canned or boxed soups
-Tuna fish
-peas, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, carrots, corn

-Nutella (yes, not kidding)
-Nut and seed Muesli bars
-Baked chips such as Sun Chips or Ritz toasted chips
-Corn Chips
-Nuts-Walnut, dry roasted Almonds, dry roasted Peanuts, Cashews
-Peanut butter- no added sugar, IE: Teddy or Simply Jiff

Deer Isle Christmas Bird Count

Have you noticed fewer birds at your feeder? Are numbers of common eiders really down or have bald eagles increased?  You are invited to participate in the Deer Isle Christmas Bird Count, which takes place on Saturday, Dec. 28. The count is part of the 120th Christmas Bird Count, sponsored by the National Audubon Society. Data from thousands of counts throughout the hemisphere are collated in a database used to assess the health of bird populations and their environment.


The local count, organized by the Downeast Audubon Chapter and Island Heritage Trust, is conducted on a circle 15 miles in diameter centered on the Monument at the intersection of Quacco Rd and Route 15. A dozen teams cover Deer Isle and parts of Blue Hill, Sedgwick, and Brooksville. Regardless of age or experience, interested persons are invited to join one of the teams of observers, and anyone with a bird feeder may submit a feeder count made from the comfort of their home For detailed instructions for the feeder count or if you would like to join a team in the field, for Deer Isle contact Ken Crowell at kennethlcrowell@gmail.com (348-6065, 7:00-9:00 AM. 4:00-7:00 PM.

Giving Tuesday!

Our goal today is to reach 21 (or more!) individual donations to raise money for a stewardship boat! We have preserves and conservation easements on 21 islands that need to be monitored annually (or even more often).

We are asking YOU to help us raise money to ensure our Steward’s ability to safely and efficiently conduct this required monitoring. A proper boat (approximately 16 feet with a outboard motor) will make it possible to safely travel to our 21 island preserves and easements.

TODAY Facebook will match the dollars you donate for GIVING TUESDAY!
A contribution to IHT is a contribution to the preservation and conservation of our Island.
We will update you throughout the day. Thank you so much! #GivingTuesday

To Donate Directly Click The Below Link:
